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A place primarily involved in (1) providing agricultural supplies, agricultural equipment, agricultural inputs, or agricultural services; (2) storing, processing, or handling raw agricultural commodities; (3) slaughtering livestock; (4) marketing livestock; and/or (5) processing agricultural byproducts or wastes. Examples include (1) a grain warehouse, potato warehouse, or other warehouse that stores raw agricultural commodities received from farms; (2) a dairy plant that processes or handles milk from farms; (3) a meat slaughter establishment; (4) a food processing plant that processes raw agricultural commodities received from farms; (5) a feed mill or rendering plant that processes raw agricultural commodities or agricultural by-products received directly from farms, or supplies animal feed directly to farms; (6) an ethanol plant, bio-diesel plant, communal manure digester, pelletizing plant, or other facility that processes raw agricultural commodities, agricultural by-products or agricultural wastes (received directly from farms) to produce fuel or other products; (7) a sawmill or other facility that processes wood or other forest products received directly from farms; (8) a facility that provides farm inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides, seed, or feed directly to farms; and (9) a facility that is primarily engaged in providing agronomic services to farms.